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Racing round-up

Peter Baker was the sole Lewes Wanderer down at Preston Park on the evening of 4th August for Round 17 of the Sussex Cycle Racing League Wednesday Track League.  He placed 8th out of 9 racers, covering the 7-laps in 6:07.80.

Dom Lowden by Emma Gearing

The Wanderers were spread far and wide on the evening of Tuesday 10th August.  Dom Lowden came a fine 5th out of 20 competitors in a Diss CC 10-mile event in Norfolk in a time of 22:56.  Roger Hutchings covered the same distance in 26:31 as he finished 13th out of 31 in a rather lumpier East Grinstead CC run event.

He took that to the extreme two nights later as he finished 4th out 6 in a Worthing Excelsior CC hill climb, covering the Washington Bostal climb alongside the A24 in 1 minute 51.99 seconds.

It was then back to the flat, but still on the road bike, on Saturday 14th where Roger claimed 3rd position from 8 starters in a fine time of 24:53 in an Epsom CC 10-mile TT on the A31 near Farnham.

Dom Lowden was back in action the following morning as Diss CC hosted a 25-mile TT where he came 15th out of 43 in 59 minutes and 11 seconds.

That same morning on the A3 north of Petersfield in a 10-mile event run by (the appropriately named) a3crg conditions were ripe for fast times as Nick Dwyer ripped off a rapid 19:54 for 14th and Peter Baker a fine 22:30 to place 53rd of the 74 starters.

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