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Evening 10s Rd 6, Crits Rd 2 and racing round-up

  Round 6 of Lewes Wanderers’ Evening 10 series took place on Monday 6th June and was won by a mere 6 seconds.  There were fourteen entrants, with a dozen from the host club two of whom jostled for the victory.  Winner in a time of 24 minutes and 14 seconds and taking his second victory of the series was Gavin Richards.  Runner-up by the equivalent of roughly 66 metres and fastest female was Kate Thomas in 24:20.

It was even closer in the race for the third spot on the podium as Mike Hannay (25:00) just edged out Darren Haynes (25:05).  Clear fastest of the seven in the road bike category was 5th overall Graham Faultless (26:43) who also beat 6th placed Clint Allen (27:06) on his TT-machine.  Second place in the road-bike category was Jamie Goldstein (7th in 27:13) ahead of Peter Baker (28:08) and Steve Barry (28:12).  Paul Hanratty was 10th in 28:26 ahead of Dave Beale (11th in 29:12) and Adrian Hills (14th, 34:37).

Kate Thomas was back in action the following evening as Southborough & District Wheelers hosted a 10-mile time-trial of their own up-and down the A228 near East Peckham.  Once again she was fastest female and 4th overall this time in a time of 24 minutes and 26 seconds.

On the same night Richard Burchett was down at Goodwood Historic Motor Racing Circuit as they too hosted the 6th Round of their Summer Series.  He crossed the line in a strong 16th place having featured in a number of probing attacks.

Richard Burchett by Neil Gearing

Richard was back rubbing elbows on Thursday 9th June as Lewes Wanderers hosted the second of their summer Crit Race series on the roads between Laughton and Ringmer.  After the successful running of Round 1 following a three year hiatus numbers were up for Round 2 with 37 starters.  A sharp shower within an hour of the 19:15 race start had a few racers and officials concerned, but it blew over and dried quickly and in the end the race start was only delayed by an issue with one of the cars that follow the race. 

The lone female entrant Polly Milsom of Team Watto-LDN sadly became detached from the bunch as she found herself at the back as the pack accelerated away from the mini-roundabout at Kennel Corner at the end of the Broyle, but, as the rules allow, she took a lap out and rejoined in order to gain more experience of bunch racing.

The first of three intermediate sprint “Primes” took place up Shortgate Lane on the second of the five laps with Martin Gibbs (TMC-Strada Wheels) prevailing ahead of Benjamin Dewey (Sussex Revolution Velo Club) and Hamish Reilly (Thanet Road Club).  Reilly took the other two primes ahead of Dewey and pre-race series leader Steve Kane (TMC-Strada Wheels) on the third circuit, and with the order reversed between those two on lap 4.

Dewey gathered himself for the bunch finish, but was pipped in the sprint by Reuban Davey (Abellio-SFA Racing Team) with Morgan West (Folkestone VC) repeating his third place from Round 1.  Winner of that race Tom Moss (Southborough & District Wheelers) could do no better than 27th this time, three places ahead of teammate Joe Benians and ten behind Richard Burchett.

The same evening Eastbourne Rovers hosted a 14.07-mile time-trial on a course from Pevensey through Ninfield and Wartling.  Peter Baker was the only Wanderer on the line and he finished 13th from 16 in a time of 41:35.

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